ARGUMENT.-I. How everyday experience dlfferentiates into the Arts and Sciences, yet how their progress is not only towards diversity, but towards Unity. II. How this Unity may come into our experience, and that from childhood. III. How cities may be…
Biology is first and foremost the study of life, not death; “let us return to…the simple and the natural, the normal and the organic”; “experimental evolution”/”regeneration” is the “Alchemy of Life”—expands to make a social/political point by…
An essay taking Spring as its theme, celebrating variation and unity: the most harmonious lives in tune with seasonal rhythms of earth—times of effort and rest: “That is the ultimate system in which we live…”; “So, at this time, the voice of Spring…
ARGUMENT.- Life is rhythmic and is punctuated by the seasons. Summer is the crest of the annual wave. I. It is the time of intensest life, when both output and income of energy reach their maximum. The activity of unconscious plant-life is crowned in…