Biology is first and foremost the study of life, not death; “let us return to…the simple and the natural, the normal and the organic”; “experimental evolution”/”regeneration” is the “Alchemy of Life”—expands to make a social/political point by…
The colophon is in portrait orientation, boxed in by a double-lined rectangular border. Plain banners run across the bottom and top of the image. Printed at the top is “LEONARD” [caps], and at the bottom is printed “SMITHERS” [caps]. The artwork…
story of couple who go to live in a log cabin in the woods to observe spring; he’s an artist, like Nature: “First of its ornaments were the tiny creeping birds….”; quotes a Gaelic song about swans singing (trans in fn); Mark’s best picture is the fp…
Like a star-gazer who would tell us that astronomy is vanity, yet offers in exchange his own descriptions and fancies of the hour, so this contemporary literature of dilettantism thinks of life as a mere phantasmagoria, pleasant to observe but vain…
The essay, in French, analyzes three characteristics of recent literature: the bankruptcy of pseudo-science; the bankruptcy of naturalism; and the renaissance of idealism.
"This article is placed in the section 'Autumn in the North' since it has been suggested by a recent visit from its writer. The foremost geographer in Europe, M. Rectus, is also the joint-apostle with Tolstoi of the higher Anarchism. Both…
Initial letter W is capitalized. The letter is framed within a double-lined square. The letter is white on a black background, the background is studded with white dots. The letter is composed of four diagonal lines. The left two lines are thicker…