“King René of Anjou, the laughter-loving Count of Provence, seeking to divert the melancholy of his beloved wife, Jeanne de Laval, turned the old-time-Keltic terror into gay new fetes: the games of the tarasque. These games are still played. The…
Author's Note: The following story, of which I here give a translation, is no doubt largely due to the vivid imagination of some itinerant mendicant working in his own interest.
ARGUMENT.-I. An appreciation of the full biological import of Winter is not altogether easy for us, here and now. We must think of peoples with less artificial environment, of more wintry regions, and of Glacial Epochs. II. The Sagas of the Biology…
The Table of Contents for the fourth volume of The Evergreen is organized into different sections. The text pieces are organized into the following fours sections: I. Winter in Nature; II. Winter in Life; III. Winter in the World; and IV. Winter in…